1. 4156
We give you glory Lord, As we honour you (2ce)=1541-4156.You are wonderful= 4151
You are here ...way maker 4156.
Bless the Lord oh my soul= 4156. 416#5. 4155#65. 251 The sun comes up= 4156
Be lifted high= 4156. 416#5. 4165. 251
Oh Lord my God how excellent is your name 41565. 4151
You are faithful-faithful are you Lord mrmrdtl-llrd 41565
Breathe on me 2x f:f:m:,r:r:m: 41565
Glorify Him amen 2x l:s:l:s: m:m: l:s:l:s:m:m: 4156. 45. 36251.
It shall be well 3x (resp) It shall be well 41565
You are worthy to be glorified= 4156
We give you glory Lord, As we honour you (2ce)=1451-4156.You are wonderful= 4151
I love you forever 2x Lord 4465
You deserve it by Youthful praise=4145
All of the glory belongs to you = 456- 451
It’s not by might (resp) s:s:-f:m:,d:d:-d:d: 4141. 251. 4156
You are worthy oh Lord ( Invincible God )= 4141. 36251
Lift Him up higher 2x s:l:s:-m:-m: 5151. 4536251
2. 6415/1415
There's power in the name of Jesus=6415
Let praises rise from the inside of me= 6-4-1-5All i want is.=234565
How excellent is your name oh lord= 1564. 4536251
How excellent is your name O Lord 2x d: m:m:m:,m:f:s:,f:m:- 15#1. 4536251
Jesus you are here= 156451
Jesus (resp) come and reign m:d: t:d:r: 1564. 251
Light of the World, You stepped down into darkness= 1524
Here I am to worship= 1564. 5564
Call upon the name of the lord and be saved= 1564. 1524
This is my desire to honour you= 171-465
Lord i give you my heart1564
I will enter His gates m:f:s:s: s:l: 1564. 156#4. 1345. 13455#71
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart=1654. 165. 1654. 4536251
Messiah is the King of kings } s: d:d:,d:d:r:,f:m: 1564. 251. 4536251
God is a miracle worker m:r:,d:f:f:f:,m:d: 1564. 1567
Thanks 2x we give you thanks for all you m:-r:,d: r: m:-m:,m:f:,m: 1543. 4367. 1564. 251
All the glory must be to our God = 1564. 455#6. 1345. 455#6-251
Because of who You are s:s:,s:s:,d:t: 1564. 455#6. 251
sinach Holy holy lord almighty= 1564
Its a priviledge= 465-34-5 (1232176)
Great are you Lord Greatly to be praised= 1564
Great are you Lord= 1645/16251
Calling on Jesus- Jesus, Jesus, How I love calling your name= 15-1143
Every day your name is the same= 154-4321
I give myself away=171-5-454171-5-4651564
Doh doh doh Oghene doh 15451
Oba mi o 3x 44(4x) 55 (4x)
Glory be the lord in the highest= 1564. 455#6. 45251
4. 1541/154
I have a father= 1541. 45251
Take glory Father s:m:d: s:s: 1541
Lord you are more precious than silver m:-s:r:,m:f:f:f:,m:d:s: 1541. 1545. 1545. 251
God will make a way where there seem to be no way 1541. 455#6. 1541. 4536251
Be magnified oh lord for you are highly exalted= 154-432. 4-6#5. 1542-456-251 1542. 456#5. 1542. 455#6. 456. 251
We are heirs of the Father s:l :d:r:m:,m:r:d:,l:d 1541. 1451
5. 1451/145
We are saying thank you Jesus s:s:-s:f:m:r:-d:d: 1451
You are the mighty God= 1451
Forever oh Lord= 1451
All other Gods they are the works men= 1451
We Lift your name higher= 1451. 36251
We lift your name higher 2x s:s:,m:s:,d:d;s:s:,m:s:,f:f: 1451. 16#71
Jesus is Alpha, Alpha and Omega so I praise you for 1451
Jesus is Alpha and omega= 1451. 1651. 4536251
I will praise Him from everlasting s:s:l:s: m:m: m:m:m: 1451
Jesus shall reign forever more halleluyah s:s:m:f: r:m: r:d: m:r:m:d: 1451. 251
Thou art worthy Oh Lord m:r:f: m:r:d: 1451. 136#5. 1342. 251
Be glorified be glorified (2x) s:-,m:r:,f:-m:,r:d: 145. 251. 454745. 432. 35#6. 251
Lord I lift your name on high= 145. 145. 34541. 251 14541. 4541. 4536251
We are grateful O Lord 2x s:s:,s:m: d:,l:s:.s:s:,s:m:d:,f:m:r: 145. 1657. 4536251
Jehovah we praise you 2x m:-s:s:,f:-m: r: 145. 45. 251
What a mighty God we serve 2x s:s:s:,m:d:,l:s;s:s:s:,m:d:m:r: 145. 1657. 4545251
I will praise Him from everlasting s:s:l:s: m:m: m:m:m: 145. 36251. 16#7. 36251.
He’s alive (resp) amen s:d:m: d:d: 111. 145. 251
You are the pillar that holds my life= 145. 4536251./ 165. 4536251
You are awesome in this place= 145. 714. 141. 677. =145. 564-65-5.
You are Alpha and Omega } d:r:m:,.r:m:f:-m: 143. 4536251
6. 1465/145
Ancient of days as old as you are=1465. 14251
Yes you are the Lord= 1465-251
We give you all the glory= 146536251
Glory be the lord in the highest= 1465. 455#6. 45251
You are the reason why I lift my voice D-L-M 1465
You do mighty things= 1465
You do wonders in this place 1465. 564. 657
Sinach I stand amazed= 165. 165. 3-4. 5564-5.
You do mighty things= 1465 Halleluyah=146-6#71
King of kings= 1111-4444- 51
Above all power above things...crucified 54-1. 4465. 446#5. 1456. 1345. 251
7. 1654/165
That is why you are called Jehovah= 165. 167. 1652-251
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart=1654. 165. 1654. 4536251
8. 1645/1625
Anointing Fall on Me= 1645. 4536251
The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty..how great is our God 1645. 234
How great is our God=171-656-432-4
My Jesus My Saviour, nothing compares you
Shout to the Lord- 1645. 16457
Halleluyah to the King give Him glory 1645
Your Majesty I can't but bow I lay my all mfmm drdd 1364251
Bread of life sent down from glory s:s:s:-m:f:s:-s:s: 167-5#6. 4#5. 34
9. 4536251/455#6/4567
Do something new in my life= 4536251 Do something new in my life= 455#6. 456. 455#6 251
Great is your mercy towards me d:r:m:,m:f:,d:d:t: 14536251
Oh Lord You have been so good d:r:m:f:-f:l:s: 14536251
You will do what no man can do 14536251
For you are glorious and worthy to be praise= 14536251
Do something new in my life s:s:,l:-f:,m:r: 14536251
I just want to say Baba O eshe 2x m:r:d:,t:l:,d:m:r:,d:m;(sv) t:d: 14536251
Holy ghost do it again s:-s: l:,s:s:,m:d: 14565. 36. 14565. 251
Elshaddai Elshaddai r:m:f:,f:m:r: 4536251
Elshaddai elshaddai Elohim and Adonai= 4535#645. 36251
Your name is higher above other names14536251.
Father we declare that we love you f:f:,f:m:r:,d:r:m:,r:d: 4536251
I love you Lord 3x from the bottom 4536251
Lord I lift your name on high s:s:,d:t:l:,s:s: 1451. 4536251. 455#6. 251
Let the living water flow over my soul d:d:d:d:d:d:,d:t: 1455#6. 45251
Destiny changer 2x come and do a miracle today 151. 455#65. 45251
You've been faithful Lord from the ages past 14536251
We worship(honour) you right now s:d’:t:l:,s:m: 456. 251
Hosanna in the highest= 4-5-6. 4-3. 1-2-3. 43. 671
be lifted higher= 4432-43let your name be lifted higher= 345
The anthem- Halleluyah=
Miracle Worker you are the= 11455#6.251
10. 1345=1564=145
Holy are u Lord d:-d:,d:r:m:f:-m: 11233. 34316#5. 1763. 4-65. 251
Halleluyah you have won the victory drm 13465. 465. 234
I Praise you= 1345. 5436251 I praise you 2x O Lord (2x) d:d:s:,d:d:s:,f:m:f:,m:-r: 2x 1342. 4536251
Jehovah is Your name d:d:r:m:,s:l: 1345. 251
Bless the Lord oh my soul= 1345-251
Majesty worship His majesty d: s:s:,d:d:d:,d:l:l: 1345#. 136#5. 1345#. 4536251
He has done so much for me d:d:m: m:r:d:r: 13541. 45-251
Be thou exalted oh lord above the heavens=13456. 4536251. 45251
The steadfast love of the lord=13457. 1345. 4536251
The stedfast love of the Lord never ceaseth s:d:r:m:,r:m:f:,m:r:d:t: 1345. 4536251
Who is like unto Thee O Lord s:s:,d:,d:r:m:,s:-l:s: 13545. 41. 13545. 455#6. 251
Down at your feet oh lord= 13451. 54-44#5. 251
There is no = 4536251
Down at you feet oh lord= 13461. 3455#6. 2514536251
Because he lives= 1342. 136#5. 1342. 4536251
Lord you reign forever....you reign 1345. 45251
Hosanna 1345-465. 4343436251
We bow down= 134-65. 1341
Yahweh= 541
We are gathering together unto Thee d:r:m: m:m: r:m:r: m:r:d: 1345#. 455#6. 455#6-251
When I come into your presence I’m so happy d:r:m:,m:m 1345#. 455#6. 455#6-251
My soul doth magnify the Lord d:m:,d:r:r:,d:t:d:1345. 455#6. 4536251
Lord you are so good s:-m:l:s: 1345#. 45251
All to Jesus I surrender m:-m:f:m:,r:-r:m:r: 1345. 451. 134. 536. 1345. 251
You are highly lifted up m:f:s:,s:s: s:-s: 1345. 4451
You deserve the glory mssm-sm 1345. 4536251
You deserve the glory=151. 6465
You are great you do miracles so great= 171-64-251
Jesus loves me ssmf 1345. 4536251. 1345#. 45251
In my life Lord be glorified today 1345. 455#6. 1345. 251
In my life Lord be glorified=15654567 or 4247
I love you Lord 3x Yes i love you Lord 1345. 455#64.
Its only you Jesus its only 1345#. 251
We bless your name oh Lord and we 1345#. 251
Because He lives I can face tomorrow s:s:,d:m:,m:m:m:,r:d:l: 1345#. 16#5. 1342. 251
Anointing fall on me 1345. 4536251
Messiah is the King of kings } s: d:d:,d:d:r:,f:m: 1342. 251. 4536251
Immortal God invincible God= 13432. 36251
Hallelujah, Hallelujah you have won the victory= 13465. 465. 234
Praise the Lord my spirit soul and body m:-m:r:d: m:m:m: m:f: 1345
Fill my cup Lord I lift it up Lord sl ls ss ddt 135. 455#6. 1355#6. 251
Fill my cup= 135-6. 1354. 251
I worship You, Almighty God s:r:,t:d:,s:r:,m:d: 12341. 44#5. 1234-251
Worthy is the Lamb= 12343. 123456. 6543. 7171. 3434#5. 7676. 671
1345#. 251 or 1344#. 251