1.   6415

Casting crowns    6415

Halleluyah Hosanna drdrm-sl   6415
Halleluyah Hosanna  6415

Halleluyah 3x to the Lord the one who reigns forever you are God alone 6415

It shall be well 3x (resp) It shall be well  41565

You are the reason why I lift my voice   D-L-M  1465. 4156

Hossana in the highest s:d:s:m: s:d:d:  1111. 5566. 4411. 251

2.  1345/1342

My Lord is able He’s able I know my Lord is able s:s:t:d:d: d:r:r:  12345-4251

Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning s:s:s:s: m:r:d: r:d: l:d:  1345. 136#5. 1345#. 251

Glory honour power majesty d:m: s:m: s:s:f:m:r: 1345. 251

Somebody touched me 2x m:m:f:s:s:;l:l:d:s:s: 1345. 4567. 1342. 251

Hallelujah for the lord god almighty reigns= 1341. 136#5. 13465. 251

I am running a race to meet my redeemer s:s: d:d:d:d:r:m: r:d:t:d:  1342. 1346. 4156. 251
I love you Lord 3x Yes i love you Lord  1345. 455#64.
I’ve got the light of God in me s:s:s:l:s:m: r:d:  41565. 41251

Yes I love you with the love of the Lord m:f:s:s:s:s:s: f:m:s: You are welcome in the name  1342. 4536251

Spirit of the living God m:m:,m:r:m:,r:d: 13456. 13-251. 134251. 13-251

I have a Father Almighty Father d:d:d:m:r: f:f:m:r:d:   1345. 45251

I love the man of Galilee  1345. 4536251

I have seen the Lord’s goodness d:d:d:s:d: m:m:  1345. 45251

I will never let go unless You bless me d:d:m:m: r:d:s: m:s:m: f:m:r:   1345. 45251

I was glad when they said d:d: m:,m:d:l:  1416#5. 14251

Jesus must be honoured s:s:m:f:s:s:  1345. 45251

Prayer is the master key2x d:d:d:d:r:f:m:;d:d:d:d:r:f:m: 1345. 455#6. 4156. 251

On the last day d:r:m:-d: 1345. 251

Praise God Halleluyah Praise God amen d:d:m:r:d:s: s:d:m:r: 1345. 45251

Its only you Jesus its only 1345#. 251

We bless your name oh Lord and we  1345#. 251
   1345#. 251 or  1344#. 251

Oh when the saints go marching in 2x D:m:f:s:(2x)s:m:f:s:,m:d:,m:-r: 1344#5. 45251

Holy Ghost fire fire fall on me   1345#. 251
Holy ghost fire fire fall= 1356. 1456. 14251

You are worthy to be praised 2x dd(tt)rr,rrm 1-3. 1-6. 45251

Ah Lord God Thou has made the heavens and the earth m:f:s: l:-l:,s 1345. 5567. 1345. 2514
455#6. 55#67. 1345. 45. 4455-5#5#66. 251
We give you glory Lord, As we honour you (2ce)=1451-4156.You are wonderful=  4151
Ancient of days as old as you are=1415
Unto the Lord be the glory s:s:s:m: s:s:f:l: 1455#6. 45251
Demons tremble at your presence...everything written about you is great= 164536. 251.  36251. 712146536251.  36251. 712

I'm standing upon the word of God m:s: s:s:s:s:f:m: 1451/ 1342. 45251./ 164251

Give me grace to follow 1451. 13432. 45251  

I've never seen any God like you 14541

Jesus is Alpha, Alpha and Omega so I praise you for 1451

Halleluyah eeh Halleluyah ooh 1456. 1451. 33444#4#5-6#

I will enter His gate with thanksgiving in my heart m:f:s:s:,  1465. 4536251
Your name is higher above other names14536251.
Count your blessings name them one by one s:-s:d:s:-s:m  

Jesus shall reign forever more halleluyah s:s:m:f: r:m: r:d: m:r:m:d: 1451. 251  

Serving a living God s:s:s: s:f:m: 1451

Let there be love shared amongst us s:s:s:l: f:m:m:r:  4536251

We plead the blood d:m:,d:r:  1541

Let the power of the Lord come down 3x s:s:,d:d:,d:d:  154. 4536251  

I have a father= 1541. 45251

Lord you are more beautiful than silver msr,mffmds 1564. 1567. 1564. 251
Thank you 2x Lord ...for everything  1564. 45251  
You are bigger than what people say   1541-4541- 36251
Magnify the lord with me= 1564.251

It shall be permanent 2x what the Lord has

That is why you are called Jehovah= 165167. 1652-251