(Subst.  5 for 6#  OR  use    6# before 4)

On the mountain in the valley s:m:,f:l:.f:r:,m:d: 41565. 4151
I am wonderfully made I am fearfully made s:s:,m:m:,m:s  41565

I will praise the Lord 3x s:s:,l: f:f:,l:l:,s:m:  41565. 4151

The most high reigneth 3x in my life today 2x d:d: m:,r:r:,r:r:  41565. 15451

I am glad I belong to Jesus s:d:m:,m:m:m:,r:d:l:  4156. 4151

Oh Lord I am very very grateful  4156. 4151  

Verily verily You are good s:s:s:s:s:,f:m:r: 4156
Be Thou exalted exalted (2x)Emmanuel s:s:,m:-f:f:,r:m:m:,d:  41565. 4151

You are worthy Lord  41565. 4151
Igwe 4x
You are the reason why we are singing=1541.
Jehovah Nissi=1451 He’s a miracle working God=1541. 1451
Jesus na wa O, na waya O I never see this kind God  D'SToL  1451. 4571

Jesus na you be oga ddrmm 13/16#. 45251


You are so good 2x Almighty God

Me I no go suffer d:s:d:,r:-m:m:  134. 251. 1451

Jesus na big man 2x d:d:,s:-s:d:m: 1-3. 1-6. 45251

Alpha Omega you are worthy= 131. 456. 251

You are worthy Jehovah You are worthy d:d:-m:d:,d:r:d:,l:l:- 1345. 136#5. 1345. 45251

Come and see the light m:m:m:r:m: 1345. 4536. 1345. 45251

Immortal God invincible God=  1343. 36251
God of miracles=13451
The most excellency is Jesus d:m:,r:d: l:s:,d:.m:m: 1345. 4536. 455#6. 251  

Oga kpata kpata na you biko Oga d:m:,m:m:m:m:  13421. 145. 13421.

You are the Lord that is your name d:d:,r:m:,m:r:d:-l: 1346. 4536. 4536251

He has given me victory I will lift Him higher d:d:,m:m:,r:d 1345

Jesus na you be Oga 2x d:d:,r:m:m:,r:m: 1345. 45251

Thank You Jesus thank You my  Lord s:m:f:r: f:r:d:m:  1564. 45251

Be thou exalted Lord 1451

You alone art worthy O Lord to be praised and adored  1451. 1432. 251

Verily verily Verily verily Verily s:s:s:,s:s:s:,s:s:s:,f;f:f:,    1451. 45365. 4151

Victory 2x halleluyah 3x Victory 2x halleluyah d---;s:f:,m:r:,d:d:-  14536251.

He has given me victory i will 1451
I go worship my God O I go shout halleluyah s:-s:,l:l:,f:s:m:. 1-3. 4536251
/  14567. 4536251

God is good He has done me well s:s:m: s:s:f:m:r:  145. 251

For what the Lord has done = 141565-4151  

When I remember His promises s:s:,m:m:,m:s:,f:f:f: ;(sv  14536251

Come and see O (resp)come and see s:s:,l:s: (r) d:r:m:  (RH=123). 453625451

Thank you Jesus you are the owner of my soul s: m:s:d:,d:d  14536251

All the nationwide praise the Lord s:s:,l:s:,m:,f:f:f:  1451

Dance Jesus loves me s:-f:m:,r:d: 1451

If you are a winner I want to hear you shout s:-s:s:,m:f:r:,d: 1451

Almighty God (resp)hallowed be your name 2x s:-m:r:d: ;(r)d:d:-s  1451

Winner O O O Winner 2x s:s:,m:f:s:,l:l:,l:l:,r:m:f:,m:m: 14536-251

Are you a winner 1451

We bless you Lord you are holy m:m:,m:m:,r:d:,r:d:l:  1451

Angels are praising God halleluyah m:m:,r:m:,r:m:,
Jehovah You are so good d:m:d:,m:r:d:l: 1465   I will worship this God forever d:r:m:m:,r:d:-t:,l:l: 1465. 14251

On your marks get set 2x (resp)get set O s:-s:-s:,l:r:,(r)s:f:m:  151. 146251

The walls of Jericho fell down flat 2x d:-d: d:,m:.r:d:,r:r  1541. 14251

I will praise you O my saviour 3x s:s:,d:m:,r:d:,t:r;s:s:  15465. 15251

I have a God Who never fails 3x d:d:-d:m: m:r:d:t:;  1541. 154. 251

I have a very big God O d:d:,d: m:m:,r:d:s:  15251

It’s because of you you laid down your life d:-d:d:r:m:,m:-m  15465. 15467. 1451

I will praise you Lord 2x if nobody
Angels are singing you are  worthy o Lord ssmlsmmmmfr  15451
Almighty Father thank you 2x s:s:-s:,m:-d:,l:s:;s:s:-

Come and join me sing halleluyah s:s:,s:s:,m:s:,f:m:r:   154651. 15251
We bless you Lord you are holy m:m:,m:m:,r:d:r:d: l:  15451

Only You will I serve d:d:d:,t:l:s: 154251. /16451

Heavenly race i no go tire 2x   L-F...S-M...L-R
1541. 145. 251

You are the reason I’m happy 2x dddddddr l  15465. 15251.  16#451

Jesus! You are worthy! Saviour! Thou alone art worthy to be  1564. 454. 343. 4543.  454. 343

Thank You for saving me s:s:s:m:f:s:  1645. 1625

Halleluyah joy 3x d:d: d:r:m:;m:m: r:d:l:;f:f: m:r:d: 1415. 14251
I am glad i belong to Jesus 1465. 14251

Angels are singing you are worthy oh lord  15-251
Awesome God (resp) Awesome God s:d:m: (r) s:d:m: (RH=513) 165. 36251. 4536251

He has done for me d:d:,t:-r:d: 1645. 1625

Oh that men should praise the Lord= 2323. 436-436. 2536251  

Oshe oshe O oshe O oshe Baba d:m:,r:m:d:,r:m:t:,  16251
Jehovah e di egwu Jehovah  2x   1645
Oba loriaye Oba terere kari aye    1645
Doh Oghene doh 2x Kiri dodo 3x   1645
Eh eh Ewewo   1645
Kidie sokwe yowe...yowe   11-11. 1654. 251
Wako ruvwe 3x Oghene  1564. 657. 65251
Ole- Igwe  11556644. 456. 251
Tuoya 3x 3x ....Tuoya   1645. 45251

For what the Lord has done i will sing