Tunes in “KEY C” only
Happy Birthday
Sol Sol La Sol Do Ti
Sol Sol La Sol Re Do
Sol Sol (up)Sol Mi Do Ti La
Fa Fa Mi Do Re Do
Do mi sol sol sol , la la sol
Do mi sol sol sol, fa mi re
Do mi sol sol sol, la la sol
Fa mi do re re do
Let it be
^Mi ^Re ^DoLet it be,
^Mi ^Sol ^LaLet it be,
^Sol ^Mi ^DoLet it be,
La Sol ^MiLet it be
^Mi - ^Mi ^Fa ^Mi ^Mi-^ReWhisper words of wisdom
^Mi ^Re ^Re-^DoLet it be...
Oh happy day
Mi Sol-Sol SiOh happy day
Sol Sol-Sol Mi(Oh happy day...)
Mi Sol-Sol ^Re-SiOh happy day
Sol Sol-Sol Mi(Oh happy day...)
Si ^Do-Si Si-LaWhen Jesus washed
Mi Sol -Mi Fa#(When Jesus washed)
Si ^Do Si Si-La-SolMiSolOh when he washed
Mi Sol -Mi Fa#(When Jesus washed)
Si Si ^Do-Si Si-LaWhen my Jesus washed
Mi Sol -Mi Fa#(When Jesus washed)
Mi Sol Sol Si-^Re Si-SolHe washed my sins away
Sol Sol-Sol Mi(Oh happy day...)
^Do ^Do ^Do Si Si ^DoHe taught me how to watch,
^Do ^Do Si-Sol Mi Sol SiFight and pray, fight and pray
^Do ^Do ^Do-Si-SiAnd live rejoicing
^Do-^Do ^Do-Si-La-SolEvery, everyday,
Mi Sol SiEveryday!
London Bridge
So La So Fa Mi Fa So
Re Mi Fa Mi Fa So
So La So Fa Mi Fa So
Re So Mi Do
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mi Re Do Re Mi Mi Mi
Re Re Re Mi So So
Mi Re Do Re Mi Mi Mi Mi
Re Re Mi Re Do
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
(so) Do Do Do Re Mi Mi
(Mi) Re Do Re Mi Do
Mi Mi Fa So So
(So) Fa Mi Fa So Mi
Do Do re Mi Mi
(Mi) Re Do Re Mi Do
(So So) Do Do Do RE Mi Mi
(Mi) Re Do Re Mi Do
Skip to My Lou
Mi Do Mi Mi Mi So
Re Ti Re Re Re Fa
Mi Do Mi Mi Mi So
Re Mi Fa Mi Re Do Do
Ring Around the Rosy
So So Mi La So Mi
(Mi) So So Mi La So Mi
So Mi So Mi
(Fa) So So Do
Hot Cross Buns
Mi re do. Mi re do.
Do do do do re re re re
Mi re do.
Ode to Joy
Mi mi fa sol sol fa mi re
(Do Sol )
Do do re mi mi re re
(Do Sol )
Mi mi fa sol, sol fa mi re
(Do Sol )
Do do re mi re do do
(Do Sol Do)
Re re mi do, re mi fa mi do
(Sol Sol )
Re mi fa mi re do re (low) sol
(Sol Si La Sol)
Mi mi fa sol sol fa mi re
(Do Do )
Do do re mi re do do.
(Sol Sol Do)
Yankee Doodle
Do Do Re Mi Do Mi Re
(Do So Do So)
Do Do Re Mi Do Ti
(Do So Do So)
Do Do Re Mi Fa Mi Re Do Ti Sol La Ti Do Do
(Do So Fa Fa So So Do Do)
La Ti La Sol La Ti Do
(Do Fa Do Fa)
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Sol
(Do So Do So)
La Ti La Sol La Ti Do La Sol Do Ti Re Do Do
(Do Fa Do Fa So So Do Do)
Three Blind Mice
Mi re do, mi re do
Sol fa fa mi, sol fa fa mi; sol
(high) Do do ti la ti do sol sol ; sol
(high) Do do do ti la ti do sol sol; sol
(high) Do do do ti la ti do sol sol; fa
Mi re do.
Old MacDonald
(all sols go down from do)
Do do do sol la la sol
Mi mi re re do; sol
Do do do sol la la sol
Mi mi re re do. Sol sol
Do do do, sol sol do do do
Do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do
Do do do sol la la sol,
Mi mi re re do.
Row, Row, Row
Do do do re mi, mi re mi fa sol
(high) Do do do sol sol sol mi mi mi do do do
Sol fa re mi do.
Do Do Do Re Mi
Row, row, row your boat
Mi - Re Mi Fa SolGently down the stream
^Do-^Do-^Do Sol-Sol-SolMerrily merrily
Mi-Mi-Mi Do-Do-DoMerrily, merrily
Sol Fa Mi Re DoLife is but a dream!
The Wheels on the Bus
(low) Sol
Do do re mi fa la sol mi ,
Sol fa re, la sol mi (low) sol
Do do re mi fa la sol mi
Sol fa re do.
Pop Goes the Weasel
Do do re re mi sol mi do; (low) sol
Do do re re mi do; (low) sol
Do do re re mi sol mi do
La! re fa mi do. BRIDGE! Do
(high) Do do la do ti re ti sol; sol
Do do la do ti sol
Fa mi fa sol la ti do
La! re fa mi do.
"Baa, Baa, Black Sheep"
Do Do Sol SolBaa, baa, black sheep
La La La-La SolHave you any wool?
Fa Fa Mi MiYes sir, yes sir
Re Re DoThree bags full!
Sol Sol Sol Fa - FaOne for the master
Mi Mi Mi ReOne for the dame
Do Sol Sol Sol Fa-Fa FaAnd one for the little boy
Fa Mi Mi Mi ReWho lives down the lane!
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Sol La - Sol Fa# Sol MiHead, shoulders, knees and toes
Sol Sol SolKnees and toes
Sol La - Sol Fa# Sol MiHead, shoulders, knees and toes
Sol Sol Sol-FaKnees and toes
Mi-Re Do Mi SolAnd eyes and ears
^Do ^Re-^Do Si-^Do LaAnd mouth and nose
Si Si - Sol La Si ^DoHead, shoulders, knees and toes!
Do Do DoKnees and toes
The wheels on the bus
Do Fa Fa Fa FaThe wheels on the bus
La ^Do La FaGo round and round
Sol Mi DoRound and roundLa Sol FaRound and round!
Do Fa Fa Fa FaThe wheels on the bus
La ^Do La FaGo round and round
Sol Do Do FaAll through the town!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Do - Do Sol - Sol La-La SolTwinkle, twinkle, little star
Fa Fa Mi-Mi Re Re DoHow I wonder what you are!
Sol Sol-Fa Fa Mi Mi ReUp above the world so high,
Sol Sol Fa-Fa Mi Mi ReLike a diamond in the sky...
Do - Do Sol - Sol La-La SolTwinkle, twinkle, little star
Fa Fa Mi-Mi Re Re DoHow I wonder what you are!
Rock-a-bye baby
Mi - Sol - ^Mi ^Re-^DoRock-a-bye baby
Mi Sol ^Do SiOn the tree top
Fa Sol ^Fa ^MiWhen the wind blows
^Re ^Re-^Do La SolThe cradle will rock!
Mi Sol ^Mi ^ReWhen the bough breaks
^Do Mi-Sol ^Do SiThe cradle will fall
Sol ^Do ^Fa ^Mi-^DoDown will come baby,
^Re-La Si ^DoCradle and all!
Joy to the World
Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do
So La La Ti Ti Do
Do Do Ti La So So Fa Mi
Do Do Ti La So So Fa Mi
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Fa So Fa Mi
Re Re Re Re Mi Fa Mi Re
Do’ Do La So Fa Mi Fa Mi Re Do.
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
(So So So) So Mi Do So La So
(So So So ) Fa Re Ti So La So
(So So So) So Mi Do So La So
(So So So) So So Mi Re Do
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Sol Do Do Re Do Ti La La
( Do Fa )
La Re Re Mi Re Do Ti Sol
(Re Sol)
Sol Mi Mi Fa Mi Re Do La
(Mi La)
Sol Sol La Re Ti Do
(Fa Sol Do)
Sol Do Do Do Ti
(Do Sol)
Ti Do Ti La Sol
(Fa Do)
Re Mi Re Do (up)Sol (down octave) Sol
(Do Sol)
Sol Sol La Re Ti Do
(Fa Sol Do)
Jingle Bells
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi
(Do )
Mi Sol Do Re Mi
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi
(Fa Do)
Mi-Mi Mi Re Re Mi Re Sol
(Re Sol)
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi
Mi Sol Do Re Mi
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi
(Fa Do)
Mi Mi Sol Sol Fa Re Do
(Sol Do)
Feliz Navidad"
Sol-^Do Si-^Do-LaFeliz Navidad
La-^Re ^Do-La-SolFeliz Navidad
Sol-^Do Si-^Do-LaFeliz Navidad
Fa-La-La Sol-Sol La Sol-Fa-Fa-MiProspero año y felicidad
^Mi ^Mi-^Mi ^Mi ^Re ^Do ^Do-La La-^DoI wanna wish you a merry Christmas
^Re ^Re-^Re ^Re ^Do La La-Sol Fa#-SolI wanna wish you a merry Christmas
^Mi ^Mi-^Mi ^Mi ^Re ^Do ^Do-La La-LaI wanna wish you a merry Christmas
^Re ^Do Si - Si ^Do ^Re ^Re-^Mi-^Re-^DoFrom the bottom of my heart ~
O little town of Bethlehem
Re Sol-Sol Sol La Si-La-Si-^Do-^ReO little town of Bethlehem,
Si ^Do Si-Sol La La SolHow still we see thee lie
Re - Sol Sol Sol La Si-La-Si-^Do ^ReAbove your deep and dreamless sleep,
Si ^Do-Si-Sol Si Si SolThe silent stars go by.
Si^Do ^Re ^Mi ^Re-^Do Si-LaYet in thy dark streets
Re Sol-Si-La-Sol ReThe everlasting Light,
Re Sol Sol Sol La Si-La Si-^Do ^ReThe hopes and fears of all the years,
Si ^Do Si-Sol La La-SolAre met in thee tonight!
O come all ye faithful
Sol Sol Re Sol La - ReO come all ye faithful
Si - La Si ^Do - Si - LaJoyful and triumphant
Sol Sol Fa# Mi Fa#-Sol La Si Fa#-Mi-Re-ReO come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem!
^Re ^Do Si-^Do SiCome and behold Him
La Si Sol La Fa#-Mi-ReBorn the King of angels...
Sol Sol Fa# Sol La-Sol ReO come, let us adore Him
Si Si La Si ^Do-Si LaO come, let us adore Him
Si ^Do Si La Sol-Fa# Sol-^DoO come, let us adore Him
Si - La Sol SolChrist the Lord!
Amazing grace I
Re - Sol - Si Sol-SiAmazing grace
La Sol Mi ReHow sweet the sound
Re Sol Si-Sol Si La ^ReThat saved a wretch like me...
Si ^Re Si SolI once was lost
Mi Sol Mi ReBut now I'm found,
Re Sol Si-Sol Si La SolWas blind, but now I see...
Amazing grace II
So La Do’ Mi Re Do MiAmazing grace
Re Do La SoHow sweet the sound
So La Do’ Mi Re Do Mi Re SoThat saved a wretch like me...
Mi Fa So Mi So Mi DoI once was lost
So La Do’ La SoBut now I'm found,
So La Do’ Mi Re Do Mi Re DoWas blind, but now I see...
1. 4156
You are here ...way maker 4156.
Oh Lord my God how excellent is your name 41565. 4151
Bless the Lord oh my soul= 4156. 416#5. 4155#65. 251 The sun comes up= 4156
Be lifted high= 4156. 416#5. 4165. 251
Breathe on me 2x f:f:m:,r:r:m: 41565
You are faithful-faithful are you Lord mrmrdtl-llrd 41565
It shall be well 3x (resp) It shall be well 41565
2. 6415/1415
There's power in the name of Jesus=6415
Let praises rise from the inside of me= 6-4-1-5All i want is.=234565
3. 1564/1524/1565
How excellent is your name oh lord= 1564. 4536251
Jesus you are here= Jesus (resp) come and reign m:d: t:d:r:
Light of the World, You stepped down into darkness= 1524
Here I am to worship= 1564. 5564
Call upon the name of the lord and be saved= 1564. 1524
This is my desire to honour you= 171-465, Lord i give you my heart1564
Thanks 2x we give you thanks for all you m:-r:,d: r: m:-m:,m:f:,m: 1543. 4367. 1564. 251
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart=1654. 165. 1654. 4536251
Messiah is the King of kings } s: d:d:,d:d:r:,f:m: 1564. 251. 4536251
God is a miracle worker m:r:,d:f:f:f:,m:d: 1564. 1567
All the glory must be to our God = 1564. 455#6. 1345. 455#6-251
Because of who You are s:s:,s:s:,d:t: 1564. 455#6. 251
sinach Holy holy lord almighty= 1564
Its a priviledge= 465-34-5 (1232176)
Great are you Lord Greatly to be praised= 1564
Great are you Lord= 1645/16251
Calling on Jesus- Jesus, Jesus, How I love calling your name= 15-1143
Every day your name is the same= 154-4321
I give myself away=171-5-454171-5-4651564
4. 1541/154
I have a father= 1541. 45251
Take glory Father s:m:d: s:s: 1541
We are heirs of the Father s:l :d:r:m:,m:r:d:,l:d 1541. 1451
Lord you are more precious than silver m:-s:r:,m:f:f:f:,m:d:s: 1541. 1545.
God will make a way where there seem to be no way 1541. 455#6. 1541. 4536251
Be magnified oh lord for you are highly exalted= 154-432. 4-6#5. 1542-456-251 1542. 456#5. 1542. 455#6. 456. 251
5. 144#51/145
We are saying thank you Jesus s:s:-s:f:m:r:-d:d: 1451
You are the mighty God= 1451
Forever oh Lord= 1451
All other Gods they are the works men= 1451
We Lift your name higher= 1451. 36251
Jesus is Alpha, Alpha and Omega so I praise you for 1451
I will praise Him from everlasting s:s:l:s: m:m: m:m:m: 1451
Jesus shall reign forever more halleluyah s:s:m:f: r:m: r:d: m:r:m:d: 1451. 251
Thou art worthy Oh Lord m:r:f: m:r:d: 1451. 136#5. 1342. 251
Be glorified be glorified (2x) s:-,m:r:,f:-m:,r:d: 145. 251. 454745. 432. 35#6. 251
Lord I lift your name on high= 145. 145. 34541. 251 14541. 4541. 4536251
We are grateful O Lord 2x s:s:,s:m: d:,l:s:.s:s:,s:m:d:,f:m:r: 145. 1657. 4536251
Jehovah we praise you 2x m:-s:s:,f:-m: r: 145. 45. 251
What a mighty God we serve 2x s:s:s:,m:d:,l:s;s:s:s:,m:d:m:r: 145. 1657. 4545251
I will praise Him from everlasting s:s:l:s: m:m: m:m:m: 145. 36251. 16#7. 36251.
He’s alive (resp) amen s:d:m: d:d: 111. 145. 251
You are the pillar that holds my life= 145. 4536251./ 165. 4536251
You are awesome in this place= 145. 714. 141. 677. =145. 564-65-5.
You are Alpha and Omega } d:r:m:,.r:m:f:-m: 143. 4536251
6. 1465/145
Ancient of days as old as you are=1465. 14251
Yes you are the Lord= 1465-251
We give you all the glory= 146536251
Glory be the lord in the highest= 1465. 455#6. 45251
You do wonders in this place 1465. 564. 657
Sinach I stand amazed= 165. 165. 3-4. 5564-5.
You do mighty things= 1465 Halleluyah=146-6#71
King of kings= 1111-4444- 51
Above all power above things...crucified 54-1. 4465. 446#5. 1456. 1345. 251
You are the reason why I lift my voice D-L-M 1465
7. 1654/165
That is why you are called Jehovah= 165. 167. 1652-251
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart=1654. 165. 1654. 4536251
8. 1645/1625
Anointing Fall on Me= 1645. 4536251
The splendor of the King, clothed in great is our God 1645. 234
How great is our God=171-656-432-4
My Jesus My Saviour, nothing compares you
Shout to the Lord- 1645. 16457
Halleluyah to the King give Him glory 1645
Your Majesty I can't but bow I lay my all mfmm drdd 1364251
Bread of life sent down from glory s:s:s:-m:f:s:-s:s: 167-5#6. 4#5. 34
9. 4536251/455#6/4567
Do something new in my life= 4536251 Do something new in my life= 455#6. 456. 455#6 251
Great is your mercy towards me d:r:m:,m:f:,d:d:t: 14536251
Oh Lord You have been so good d:r:m:f:-f:l:s: 14536251
You will do what no man can do 14536251
For you are glorious and worthy to be praise= 14536251
Do something new in my life s:s:,l:-f:,m:r: 14536251
I just want to say Baba O eshe 2x m:r:d:,t:l:,d:m:r:,d:m;(sv) t:d: 14536251
Holy ghost do it again s:-s: l:,s:s:,m:d: 14565. 36. 14565. 251
Elshaddai elshaddai Elohim and Adonai= 4535#645. 36251
Your name is higher above other names14536251.
Father we declare that we love you f:f:,f:m:r:,d:r:m:,r:d: 4536251
I love you Lord 3x from the bottom 4536251
Lord I lift your name on high s:s:,d:t:l:,s:s: 1451. 4536251. 455#6. 251
Let the living water flow over my soul d:d:d:d:d:d:,d:t: 1455#6. 45251
Destiny changer 2x come and do a miracle today 151. 455#65. 45251
You've been faithful Lord from the ages past 14536251
We worship(honour) you right now s:d’:t:l:,s:m: 456. 251
Hosanna in the highest= 4-5-6. 4-3. 1-2-3. 43. 671
Be lifted higher= 4432-43let your name be lifted higher= 345
The anthem- Halleluyah= 171-465171-617171-132
Miracle Worker you are the= 11455#6.251
10. 1345=1564=145
Holy are u Lord d:-d:,d:r:m:f:-m: 11233. 34316#5. 1763. 4-65. 251
Halleluyah you have won the victory drm 13465. 465. 234
I Praise you= 1345. 5436251 I praise you 2x O Lord (2x) d:d:s:,d:d:s:,f:m:f:,m:-r: 2x 1342. 4536251
Jehovah is Your name d:d:r:m:,s:l: 1345. 251
Bless the Lord oh my soul= 1345-251
Majesty worship His majesty d: s:s:,d:d:d:,d:l:l: 1345#. 136#5. 1345#. 4536251
He has done so much for me d:d:m: m:r:d:r: 13541. 45-251
Be thou exalted oh lord above the heavens=13456. 4536251. 45251
The steadfast love of the lord=13457. 1345. 4536251
The stedfast love of the Lord never ceaseth s:d:r:m:,r:m:f:,m:r:d:t: 1345. 4536251
Who is like unto Thee O Lord s:s:,d:,d:r:m:,s:-l:s: 13545. 41. 13545. 455#6. 251
Down at your feet oh lord= 13451. 54-44#5. 251
There is none like you = 4536251
Down at you feet oh lord= 13461. 3455#6. 2514536251
Because he lives= 1342. 136#5. 1342. 4536251
Lord you reign reign 1345. 45251
Hosanna 1345-465. 4343436251
We bow down= 134-65. 1341
Yahweh= 541
We are gathering together unto Thee d:r:m: m:m: r:m:r: m:r:d: 1345#. 455#6. 455#6-251
When I come into your presence I’m so happy d:r:m:,m:m 1345#. 455#6. 455#6-251
My soul doth magnify the Lord d:m:,d:r:r:,d:t:d:1345. 455#6. 4536251
All to Jesus I surrender m:-m:f:m:,r:-r:m:r: 1345. 451. 134. 536. 1345. 251
You are highly lifted up m:f:s:,s:s: s:-s: 1345. 4451
You deserve the glory mssm-sm 1345. 4536251
You are great you do miracles so great= 171-64-251
In my life Lord be glorified today 1345. 455#6. 1345. 251
I love you Lord 3x Yes i love you Lord 1345. 455#64.
Its only you Jesus its only 1345#. 251
Because He lives I can face tomorrow s:s:,d:m:,m:m:m:,r:d:l: 1345#. 16#5. 1342. 251
Anointing fall on me 1345. 4536251
Messiah is the King of kings } s: d:d:,d:d:r:,f:m: 1342. 251. 4536251
Immortal God invincible God= 13432. 36251
Hallelujah you have won the victory= 13465. 465. 234
Praise the Lord my spirit soul and body m:-m:r:d: m:m:m: m:f: 1345
Fill my cup Lord I lift it up Lord sl ls ss ddt 135. 455#6. 1355#6. 251
I worship You, Almighty God there is none like you s:r:,t:d:,s:r:,m:d: 12341. 44#5. 1234-251
Worthy is the Lamb= 12343. 123456. 6543. 7171. 3434#5. 7676. 671
Lord you are so good s:-m:l:s: 1345#. 45251
Jesus loves me ssmf 1345. 4536251. 1345#. 45251
1. 6415
Casting crowns 6415
You are the reason why I lift my voice D-L-M 1465. 4156
2. 4156
You are good and your mercies are forever
Jehovah you are the Most High 2x
Jehovah shammah jehovah nissi dddl-ddds 4156. 4151
Jehovah eh eh , Jehovah oh oh 4156
3. 4541
I've never seen any God like you 14541
4. 4151
Jesus is a Mighty God
Why i no go make yanga i go make
Everybody Up Up Jesus
5. 14541 (MAKOSSA)
I call you Jehovah You answer my prayer...oh oh winner man
Everybody looku looku see what the Lord has done 14541
Yahweh Yahweh eh 3x makude eh
Everything double double 2x everything 14541
Glory be to the Lord halleluyah2x
Halleluyah Hosanna 2x
6. 1415/1465
Blessings shall follow me mmmmmmrd 1465. 14251
This is my day of Joy mmmmmmrd 1465. 14251
There’s no one 2x like Jesus s:d:d:,r:m:r:,d:d:s:,s:d:d:,r:m:r:,d:r: 1415. 45251
Lifted I am lifted s:s:,m:s:,l:l: 1465
My redeemer lives mmdrdld2x 1465. 3465. 114
Sing to God the Lord Our strength 1465. 114
7. 1451
Tambira Jehovah 2x
What shall I say unto my God? s:m:s:-d:,s:s:,m:f: 1451
We lift your name..higher 1451
He’s in control he’s in full control d:d:,d: s:.d:t:l:,s:l: 1451 / 5671
We conquer satan we conquer demons s:m:s:,d:d:,s:m:s:,f:f: 1451
8. 1645
Carry me dey go Jehovah..higher higher higher4x 1345
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul m:s:,s:d:,m:r:f:,d:r:d: 1345. 4536251
When I remember His promises s:s:,m:m:,m:s:,f:f:f: ;(sv 14536251
If you are a winner I want to hear you shout s:-s:s:,m:f:r:,d: 1451
9. 1645 highlife
Jesus you're my firm foundation 14665. 251
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul m:s:,s:d:,m:r:f:,d:r:d: 1345. 4536251
Bayeti bayeti Nkosi s:s:-d:,d:d:d:,r:m:r: 1465. 34251
My God is a good God yes he is. He lifts me up.He turns me around
Carry me dey go Jehovah..higher higher higher4x 1345
10. 1541
Bend low 7x m:m:,m:m:, 15465/ 1564. 15251
It's already better mmmrdm 1541. 6415
Imela Imela2x 15465. 15251
Have you not heard what the Lord has done d:d:,d:d:.d:d 1541
11. 1345/1645
Jehovah we praise You 2x I love you pass
12. 145551 highlife
13. 1645
Every Praise is to our God God our Saviour
I am a friend of God
Forever God is faithful 3x ( sing praise msmrd 1564.154
Open the eyes of my heart Lord=16451To see you high=56-67
14. 1564
You are God Alone- WM1414. 54561. 1564
From glory to glory= 1564
I’m gonna dance and praise Him, It doesn't’ matter= 1564
Oh oh oh oh oh )6x= 1564
(I rejoice…) I rejoice in Him= 1564
Forever God is faithful 3x ( sing praise msmrd 1564.154
15. 1465
Sing for joy to God strength
Our God stronger, Our God is Higher, ....than any other
Forever God is faithful, Forever God is strong
16. 1564
My Redeemer lives 2x His blood has..I raise a banner..mmfs.. 16#16#'. 66#566#.
Only a God like You= 1564
Arise Don Moen=One thing we ask of you= 156#4Arise = 1564
Forever God is faithful 3x ( sing praise msmrd 1564.154
We wanna see Jesus lifted high a banner
Blessed Jesus= 154I love you Lord= 154
Have you heard what the lord has done he has destroyed the works of satan ....Ose ye
Lord you are so good m:-m:f:s:r: 15465. 15251
Jesus you be my best friend m:m:,r:m:-f:m: 1564. 4536251
I'm trading my sorrows= 15641567
You are highly lifted up mfsssss-dtls 1345. 251
You may be tall, you may be short 1345. 4536251
Jump up and tell me if you love my Jesus 1345. 1345# 4536251
He is the King of kings s:s: l:d:,m:d: 1345. 11223344-5-7. (RH= 3321)
We bring sacrifice of praise s:-s:,s:s:,f:m:f:s: 1345. 4156. 4151
On the mountain in the valley s:m:,f:l:.f:r:,m:d: 41565. 4151
I am wonderfully made I am fearfully made s:s:,m:m:,m:s 41565
I will praise the Lord 3x s:s:,l: f:f:,l:l:,s:m: 41565. 4151
I am glad I belong to Jesus s:d:m:,m:m:m:,r:d:l: 4156. 4151
Oh Lord I am very very grateful 4156. 4151
I'm pressing on the upward way= 134-45Chorus; Lord, lift me up and let me stand= 134-4364251
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed m:m:m:f:-s = 1134. 2255. 1134. 2251.13543. 45-251
What can wash away my sin? d:d:d:-r:m:-s:s: 1333. 4251.(2x) 1333. 4536. 1333. 251
I’m pressing on the upward way d:r:m: s:-m:m:-r:r: 1334. 4115. 1334. 416#5. 1334251. 1334. 4236. 45251
All hail the power of Jesus name d:m:-m:r:d:-f:f:m: 1341. 13456. 134-567. 45536251/44#55#66#251.
When I survey the wondrous cross d:m:f:r:-m:s:l:s:
1355. 4536251
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word d:r:m:- 1356. 456#5. 1356. 451. 1345#. 251
Immortal Invisible (hymn)= 4541. 1344#5. 4541
My faith looks up to Thee m:m:f:s:-f:m: 13565. 4455. 4536251. 45251
Joyful joyful we adore Thee mmfs
1342465. 134251. 45365. 1342465. 134251
Praise my soul the king of heaven s:s:s:-t:d:-t:l:s:
13425. 444#5. 1344. 534#5
13-45. 45251
Hold the Fort =1465.
What a friend we have in Jesus s:-s:l:s:-m:r:d:-l*: 1342. 46#5. 1342. 251.
44#5. 46#5. 1342. 251.
I am so glad that our father in heaven s*:s*:s*:s*:-l*:t*:d:d:-r:m:r: 1345. 5671.
1342. 455#6. 1342. 251
Onward christian soldiers marching as to war 1342. 4536251. 1342. 455#6. 1345. 4536251
Great is Thy faithfulness O God my Father s:s:r:f:-m:m:-l:l:-m:s:f: 1345. 4536251. 1345. 4536251
Rock of ages cleft for me s*:l*:s*:m*:-d:l*:s*:
1345#. 671. 5151. 1345#. 251
Amazing grace how sweet the sound s:d:m:r:m:r:d:l:s: 1345. 136#5. 1345#. 251
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice s:s:-m:f:s:-d:r:m: 1345#. 251
4155#65. 41251
Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty d:d:-m:f:-s:l:s:-l:l:l:-l:s:-f:m: 1345. 4-455#6. 5565. 455#6. 1345. 455#6. 1345#. 251
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross m:f:s:-
f:l:s:-s:s:l:-s:t:l: 134541. 1345#. 251. 5141. 14251
O what a wonderful wonderful day m:r:d:-m:r:d:-m:m:m:d: 1345#. 13217. 44551. 131#4. 114. 6644251.
=1345. 445536. 1345
Stand up stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross s*:d:-r 1345#. 455#6. 134251. 4536. 134251
Standing on the promises of Christ my king s:s:s:l:-s:-s:f:m:-f:s:-d’:d’ 1345#. 455#6. 134251.
There shall be showers of blessing s:s: s:-s: l:t:-d’:s: 1345. 453625. 1345. 251
To God be the glory great things He hath done s*:s*:-:l*:t*:d:s*:-d: 1345. 455#6. 1345. 251.1345#. 455#6. 1345. 251
O lord my God when I’m in awesome wonder s:s:-s: m:-s:s:-s: l:l:-f:l: 1345#. 251
O God our help in ages past s:m:l:s:-d’:d’:-t:d: 1345#. 4536251
Jesus loves me this I know s: m:m:r:-m: s:s: 1345. 4536. 1345. 45251.
1345. 1345#. 251
All to Jesus I surrender m m : l:s:-f:-f:s:f:-m 1345#. 45251
1342. 536. 1345. 251
All things bright and beautiful s:m:-r:d:-m:m:m: 1345. 64251
Pass me not O gentle saviour hear my humble cry m:-r:d:t*:-d:l*:s*: 1345-51. 2x 251
1345. 455#6. 1345. 251
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine m:r:d:-s:s:-f:s:-l:s:
1345. 455#6. 1345. 4536. 1345. 45-251
I have found a friend in Jesus He’s everything to me m:f:s:s:-l:s:s:m 1345. 456#5. 1345. 251
I have decided to follow Jesus m:m:-f:s:s:-s:l:s:-m:d: 1345. 4536251
I am Thine O Lord I have heard Thy voice m:f:m:-r:r:-r:m 1345. 4536251. 1345. 455#6. 1345#. 251
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus m:-m:r:d:-d:t*:l*: 1345. 44#5-671. 1345. 251
When peace like a river attendeth my way m:S-r:f:m:r:d: 13456. 4536251/ 455#6-667. 1176. 662-217. 251
111551. 4571
I love you Lord and I lift my voice sddd 1356. 4565. 1356. 251
My Jesus I love Thee rmmf 144#5. 251. 455#65. 144#5. 251.
Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee d:d:d:-t*:l*:t* 1456. 5555. 4536251
Now thank We all have our God= 15421. 4536251