I'm pressing on the upward way= 134-45Chorus; Lord, lift me up and let me stand= 134-4364251

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed m:m:m:f:-s =  1134. 2255. 1134. 2251.
13543. 45-251

What can wash away my sin? d:d:d:-r:m:-s:s: 1333. 4251.(2x)  1333. 4536. 1333. 251  

I’m pressing on the upward way d:r:m: s:-m:m:-r:r: 1334. 4115. 1334. 416#5. 1334251. 1334. 4236. 45251  

All hail the power of Jesus name d:m:-m:r:d:-f:f:m: 1341. 13456. 134-567. 45536251/44#55#66#251.  

When I survey the wondrous cross d:m:f:r:-m:s:l:s:
1355. 4536251

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word d:r:m:- 1356. 456#5. 1356. 451. 1345#. 251

Immortal Invisible (hymn)= 4541. 1344#5. 4541

My faith looks up to Thee m:m:f:s:-f:m:  13565. 4455. 4536251. 45251

Joyful joyful we adore Thee mmfs
1342465. 134251. 45365. 1342465. 134251

Praise my soul the king of heaven s:s:s:-t:d:-t:l:s:
13425. 444#5.  1344. 534#5
13-45. 45251

Hold the Fort =1465.

What a friend we have in Jesus s:-s:l:s:-m:r:d:-l*: 1342. 46#5. 1342. 251.
44#5. 46#5.  1342. 251.

I am so glad that our father in heaven s*:s*:s*:s*:-l*:t*:d:d:-r:m:r:  1345. 5671.
1342. 455#6. 1342. 251

Onward christian soldiers marching as to war 1342. 4536251. 1342. 455#6. 1345. 4536251

Great is Thy faithfulness O God my Father s:s:r:f:-m:m:-l:l:-m:s:f: 1345. 4536251
1345. 4536251

Rock of ages cleft for me s*:l*:s*:m*:-d:l*:s*:
1345#. 671.
5151. 1345#. 251

Amazing grace how sweet the sound s:d:m:r:m:r:d:l:s: 1345. 136#5. 1345#. 251

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice s:s:-m:f:s:-d:r:m:  1345#. 251
4155#65. 41251

Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty d:d:-m:f:-s:l:s:-l:l:l:-l:s:-f:m: 1345. 4-455#6. 5565. 455#6. 1345. 455#6. 1345#. 251
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross m:f:s:-
f:l:s:-s:s:l:-s:t:l:  134541. 1345#. 251. 5141. 14251

O what a wonderful wonderful day m:r:d:-m:r:d:-m:m:m:d: 1345#. 13217. 44551. 131#4. 114. 6644251.
=1345. 445536. 1345
Stand up stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross s*:d:-r 1345#. 455#6. 134251. 4536. 134251

Standing on the promises of Christ my king s:s:s:l:-s:-s:f:m:-f:s:-d’:d’  1345#. 455#6. 134251.
There shall be showers of blessing s:s: s:-s: l:t:-d’:s: 1345. 453625. 1345. 251

To God be the glory great things He hath done s*:s*:-:l*:t*:d:s*:-d: 1345. 455#6. 1345. 251
1345#. 455#6. 1345. 251

O lord my God when I’m in awesome wonder s:s:-s: m:-s:s:-s: l:l:-f:l: 1345#. 251

O God our help in ages past s:m:l:s:-d’:d’:-t:d: 1345#. 4536251
Jesus loves me this I know s: m:m:r:-m: s:s:  1345. 4536. 1345. 45251.
1345. 1345#. 251

All to Jesus I surrender m m : l:s:-f:-f:s:f:-m 1345#. 45251
1342. 536. 1345. 251

All things bright and beautiful s:m:-r:d:-m:m:m: 1345. 64251

Pass me not O gentle saviour hear my humble cry m:-r:d:t*:-d:l*:s*: 1345-51. 2x 251
1345. 455#6. 1345. 251
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine m:r:d:-s:s:-f:s:-l:s:
1345. 455#6. 1345. 4536. 1345. 45-251

I have found a friend in Jesus He’s everything to me m:f:s:s:-l:s:s:m   1345. 456#5. 1345. 251

I have decided to follow Jesus m:m:-f:s:s:-s:l:s:-m:d: 1345. 4536251

I am Thine O Lord I have heard Thy voice m:f:m:-r:r:-r:m    1345. 4536251. 1345. 455#6. 1345#. 251

There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus m:-m:r:d:-d:t*:l*:  1345. 44#5-671. 1345. 251

When peace like a river attendeth my way m:S-r:f:m:r:d:  13456. 4536251/ 455#6-667. 1176. 662-217. 251
111551. 4571
I love you Lord and I lift my voice sddd 1356. 4565. 1356. 251

My Jesus I love Thee rmmf  144#5. 251. 455#65. 144#5. 251.

Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee d:d:d:-t*:l*:t* 1456. 5555. 4536251

Now thank We all have our God= 15421. 4536251